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Volcán Arenal, Costa Rica - Volcan Arenal, Costa Rica.
A confluence of lucky circumstances conspired to create this enchanted view of the Arenal volcano in Costa Rica. Every other night, the volcano was shrouded in clouds. On this night, the near full moon gave a back-light to the cloud tapestry just as the volcano broke through and began spewing lava. The surrounding rain forest silhouette provided the context  of a tropical paradise.Dwarfed in the Canopy - Eco-tourists enjoying the view from a suspension bridge are dwarfed by the immense canopy in Arenal's rain forest.Avian Visitor - An avian visitor rests near the Arenal volcano in Costa RicaTwin Craters, Poás Volcano - Aerial view of the Poás Volcano with its twin craters. The 1-mile wide active crater flaunts lakes of molten sulfur, while the extinct crater hosts the very acidic Lake Botos, home to many cloud forest birds species.
Lake Arenal - The placid Lake Arenal reservoir was formed by damming a valley in 1979. Lake Arenal is the key component in Costa Rica's hydroelectric project, which currently produces most of the country's electricity.Local Lacertilia - A lizard bathes in the tropical afternoon sun on the slope of the Chato volcano in Costa RicaTropical Hibiscus, Costa Rica - Tropical Hibiscus provide sweet nectar for Costa Rica's many species of hummingbirds.Jungle Moonrise - The moon rises over the Arenal volcano and surrounding rain forest.
Water Lily, Costa Rica - Colorful water lilies in a pond in Arenal, Costa RicaCrater Vents, Poás Volcano - From its rim on Poás Volcano, a break in the clouds reveals a view of the active crater as it vents boiling sulphurous gases. This one-mile wide crucible is considered the largest active crater in the world.Magia Blanca Waterfall, La Paz, Costa Rica - One of five falls along the waterfall trail near La Paz in Costa Rica, the Magia Blanca roars with tremendous force.